N.K April Failed Satellite Launch, could we have knocked it down??


New Member
So the question is might it be possible that we used a Directed Energy Weapon to knock out the N.K. missile that blew up into pieces 2 minutes into flight?? If this were a possibility I believe it would be safe to assume the weapon platform and delivery system being Top Secret. One would think the best delivery system would be to mount the weapon onto a vessel such as a submersible submarine to stay hidden until the launch were detected. It would be a perfect way for the U.S. to have plausible deniability, not start a war and yet stop N.K. missile advancements.. I hope i have this thread in the right section; any thoughts please and thanks.


Active Member
Standard conspiracy theory -- some piece of unbelievably cranky piece of machinery always functions perfectly for the bad guys when they need it to expand the plot.

Besides, wouldn’t the shot have to be fired from within the ‘Yellow Sea’ area? China would have gone ballistic, and I don’t mean figuratively. :type


New Member
i believe it's a failure in QC. The country are barely able to feed it's people. They may have the sound knowledege in orbital launch technology, but you need lots of money to put it into practical realm.

I wonder. How many miles of duct tapes they use in their rocket construction. :hehe