Fighter Jet hits a Mosque Minaret


New Member
The incident occurred September 27, 2004. TuAF F-4 Terminators in triple formation were flying low altitude to practice a parade pass two days before Turkish national day. The two seated F-4 landed safely and there were no injuries.



Kilo 2-3

New Member
The incident occurred September 27, 2004. TuAF F-4 Terminators in triple formation were flying low altitude to practice a parade pass two days before Turkish national day. The two seated F-4 landed safely and there were no injuries.

Seems a bit foolish for the pilots to have taken a flight path that took them right over a (presumably) known obstruction. But I'm glad no one was hurt and that no aircraft were lost.


Well from the video it seems that it was avoidable.The minaret can be seen coming with the altitude decreasing every second.Till the value abruptly drops to 10feet to something.Looks as if the pilot (a female one) was looking on the controls or thinking something else and got surprised by the incoming minaret.I'll agree Kilo 2-3 ,there was not need to take any risks.In Pakistan the minarets or poles do have a laser light to give the pilots an indication of what's coming.This can solve the issue to avoid any further accidents.

And i am happy that she luckily escaped any type of serious consequences.Those F-4E Phantoms are surely reliable.:coffee