military career, what options do i have?


New Member
I am a citizen of portugal, 30 years old, no military experience.
consider i want to follow a military career, what options do i have?
i know i can go to french foreign legion but, beside that is there any other option avaiable?

Thank you
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New Member
The Portugal armed forces (FAP) (forcas Armadas Portuguesas) have a pretty impressive list of equipment available to them and from just a quick google search I see that they have a small but varied army, navy and airforce and participate in quite a few overseas deployments so no need to join the FFL if you want to go overseas to see action. FAP currently has 37,400 personnal according to qiki but it says they are looking to expand, Due to economics I'm not sure how far they are looking to expand but a army of 21000 ish but they got alot of newer kit (from 2003 onward).

They also have a national republican guard of approx 25000 that you might also wish to enquire about. I would have to say I'm mroe of a fan of national forces rather than units like the FFL but both are excellent choices.

As far as joining any FAP branches I dont see anything online, maybe look up the base closest to you and ask there about joining and put you into contact with a recruiter.


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Hi, thanks for your reply

The limit age applying to my case is 24 years. Im currently 30 years old.
And for national republican guard is 28/29

"As condições especiais são:
Ter idade não superior a:
- 30 anos de idade, para os cidadãos possuidores de licenciatura em Medicina habilitados com internato geral;
- 27 anos de idade, para cidadãos possuidores de habilitação académica com grau de bacharelato ou licenciatura;
- 24 anos de idade, para os restantes casos. "
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