What does the "A" in "F/A" stand for?


New Member
I've tried searching but haven't found anything yet. I think the F stands for fighter right? But what the heck does the A after the F stand for? So far I've only seen it on the F/A-18 and F/A-22.


The "A" stands for Attack, or air-to-ground missions essentiall. So an "F/A"-series aircraft is a Fighter (air-to-air)/ Attack (air-to-ground) aircraft. Here is a good source to use when looking up what the letters are and what they mean.



New Member
I've tried searching but haven't found anything yet. I think the F stands for fighter right? But what the heck does the A after the F stand for? So far I've only seen it on the F/A-18 and F/A-22.
The 'A' stands for "attack".

This site reference indicates the A-6 Inturder was designed specifically as an all-weather, carrier-based attack aircraft:

A-6 Intruder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Military designations, as far as I know, have the 'A' in the designation as "attack".