Russia is a Superpower again and has been since 2006

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Russia has become a Superpower again because they have the world's largest nuclear weapon arsenal which 10 times greater (many of you may not believe this but I have the facts from US governments sources and British government papers to support these facts) than the US, Russia's economy is stronger than the US, BBC news Great Britain reported this recently August 2007. Third they are an energy super giant (Russia has more nuclear power plants then any country in the world but also they are supplying more power to foreign countries than any other country and they also have of their own nuclear power plants in other countries using their nuc products also they hold the worlds largest supply of natural energy resources, that's not just oil too as they hold almost 1# next to Saudi Arabia) their military has been continuing to update in all forces of the 21 century weapons compared to the US and they have every domain of power in ideological, diplomatic and technological fronts. Russia is a superpower because they have the economics, the wealth (a lot of wealth), the diplomatic power, ideological, technological advances (ever heard of Scalar Weapons, Russia has them) than any other country besides the US, they have the cultural sector and lets not forget their military levels (supreme). The US is on the mist of a recession and several the US government agencies such as NASA are going bankrupt. Russia is on the raise and I mean raising, the country is becoming super rich and now they are being placed at the 5th fastest growing country in the world instead of 10th place. There is many reasons why Russia is a Superpower again but what is clear is the US government has been annoucing all this year also news agencies such as CNN news stating Russia is a Superpower again but the USA is still the leader but no longer the sole superpower, it is now 2 Superpowers: Russia and the US.

The US may still have the money for miltary spending but Russia is expected to tie the US miltary spending budget by 2015, imagine that. There are loads of information on what Russia is planning for it's miltary forces in the next 5 years besides their Mars space mission flight in 2015 (it is their project without NASA) and first Moon space station (another Russian project without NASA) in 2016.

Anyway, if anybody has even been to Russia recently and also to US miltary bases in the States to compare the two, you can understand how Russia is greatly spending on miltary forces even though China and Russia are very colse relations with each other, what Russia is doing without it's 15 missing Post Soviet countries it lost in 1991, those Post Soviet countries are still feeling the pain without Russia's wealth.

Many of you may not know but Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus are still considered Russia's land and people (I have heard this by Ukraine's, Kazakhstan's and Belarus's presidents in interviews about ties with Russia). One because of some many Russian miltary bases that are still in operation Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus (also other Post Soviet countries) and heavy Russian culture that are still all connected together but all these countries governments are still running the same way. Even though Ukraine is a NATO member, Ukraine's population doesn't support NATO's membership nor run by a West sided president based recent polls in 2007. Next year Ukraine's president elections are some what expected a vote on a East sided president but that is what the media is predicting, it is unsure still but what is for sure is Ukraine's population wants out of NATO's membership.

With Belarus and Kazakhstan their has been discussings for the last 2 years on these countries reuniting with Russia again but not a Union but as one country yet run differently. Again this has been rumored yet it still unknown for a fact if the presidents have been discussing their future with Russia once again. Finland has been haunting NATO countries that Russia is discussing relations with Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus again. Is it for sure? Not sure but that isn't anything to deny they are either.

I am sure many of you probably either hate Russia or refuse to believe Russia is a Superpower again but when you hear US Senators or other government officials making statements about Russia's superpower status of the 21st century, think again because this country is for real. To see all the money the Russian government is pouring into their miltary forces is astonishing.
Imagine Russia building 20 major sized aircraft carriers in the next 18 years, imagine the money it takes and people to build them. The US from 1981 to 2007 only built 8 aircraft carriers or Russia building 9 to 11 new Russian 941Typhone subs in the next 8 years besides the other top secret subs they are building currently.

Also there are some many Russian miltary programs from different miltary departments that are all re-opening again and have been for the last few years under the control of President Putin. Also Russia's population is no longer falling as rumored in the media any longer as it is expected to double in the next 10 to 12 years without illegal immigration such as the US has problems with. They are pouring so much money into a new booming population without warfare but money to all married or separated families with new children. When I heard how much the government is giving to Russian families for each child, I had a hard time believing it until I realized how many money single mother or fathers or married families are getting for new child in Russia. The US could not even match their welfare close compared to Russia's new system, it will would be impossible to match it.

Anyway the point is Russia is back on the Superpower wagon, evidence is here

Washington Acknowledges Russia as Superpower
w w w.kommersant (dot) com/page.asp?id=768929

Also Russia is an energy super giant of the world as well.
Russia Super energy power
w w w.thefirstpost. co. uk/index.php?storyID=4883

edition.cnn (dot) com/2006/WORLD/europe/12/12/russia.oil/index.html
w w w.russiaprofile (dot) org/page.php?pageid=CDI+Russia+Profile+List&articleid=2015
w w w.strategypage (dot) com/on_point/20041130.aspx

w w w.warpeace (dot) org/article.php?story=20070414073647506
w w w.russophile (dot) com/russia_blog/5205-russias_superpower_membership_card_returned.html

Washington Acknowledges Russia as Superpower
w w w.kommersant (dot) com/page.asp?id=768929
bhtimes.blogspot (dot) com/2007_05_28_archive.html

w w w.spacewar (dot) com/Superpowers.html
w w w.spacewar (dot) com/reports/Analysis_SCO_energy_ties_999.html

Russia Dangerous Superpower
w w

A Former Superpower Rises Again
w w w .,1518,426393,00.html

w w w.,1518,druck-426393,00.html

Russia as a Newborn Superpower
w w w.

Russia: A superpower rises again
POSTED: 1203 GMT (2003 HKT), December 13, 2006
Says Russia was always a Superpower
edition.cnn (dot) com/2006/WORLD/europe/12/12/russia.oil/index.html

w w w.beliefnet (dot) com/boards/message_list.asp?discussionID=580084

Does Europe Need Protection?
Two superpowers between Russia and USA over missile shield to Iran
w w w.mnweekly . ru/columnists/20070719/55262837.html

Russia on the march - again
By Con Coughlin
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 13/04/2007
w w w. telegraph. co. uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2007/04/13/do1303.xml

Russia - Economic Superpower
lightworker (dot) com/store/product_info.php?products_id=58

In the playground of the superpowers
By Harun Karcic
ww w.atimes (dot) com/atimes/Central_Asia/II21Ag01.html

Russia, a major super power
w w w.martinfrost (dot) ws/htmlfiles/july2007/russia_superpower2.html

Condoleezza Rice Worries About Russia’s “Assertive Military”
By: Nicole Belle on Monday, October 15th, 2007 at 9:46 AM - PDT
w w w.crooksandliars (dot) com/2007/10/15/condoleezza-rice-worries-about-russias-assertive-military/#respond

The Return of Russia as a Superpower
current event by VnutZ79 on 13 September 2007, tagged as worldaffairs, politics, and military
w w w.omninerd (dot) com/news/The_Return_of_Russia_as_a_Superpower

Russia: Rebranding The Nation
Russian flag planted at the South Pole symbolizes the restoration of Russia's superpower status
w w w.rferl (dot) org/featuresarticle/2007/02/01743cd3-2f57-49d6-91d0-15d2e62cc15f.html

Russian strategic bombers are resuming regular patrols (superpower confrontation)
w w w.america-russia (dot) net/eng/security/158191695

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